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Orbax and Pepper Do A Podcast

Jul 6, 2021

It's an Irish invasion!

This week we chat with Sideshow Ramone and Maiya Mooo, the Sin City Sideshow out of Belfast!

Sin City Sideshow formed over the lockdown, and during that time have developed an incredible series of acts including throwing knives at Maiya's face. We chat about circus school, building your act, assessing your worth, and when to say no to TV shows! We also share in the optimistic air of gigs opening up again! All around good fun.

Follow @sideshow_ramone and @maiyamooo on IG, as well as the act @sincitysideshow for listings of upcoming gigs!

If you are looking for us you can find us on IG @sweetpepperklopek and @the_great_orbax . ALSO we still have some t-shirts available! Shoot us a message if you want one! And follow the kids science show @orbaxandpepperdoscience on all the socials!

Don't forget our sponsors Hella Hot Hot Sauce! Follow them on IG @hella_hot_hot_sauce and the Hearty Hooligan! You can follow Hamilton's best restaurant for vegan goodies on IG @theheartyhooligan .

Stay safe out there everyone and don't forget, Daddy don't jam bro.