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Orbax and Pepper Do A Podcast

May 4, 2021

Today we talk to our old friend and now star of TruTV's hit show Big Trick Energy, Wes Barker! 

Wes gives us the inside scoop on the fascinating story behind how he managed to get a TV show pitched, bought and made during a global pandemic!?!

We talk about magic, how to get a million views on YouTube without even trying, and genuinely just catch up and have a few laughs with a good friend.

You can follow Wes on IG @stuntmagician or on YT ! Also check out Big Trick Energy over on YT .

If you are looking for us you can find us on IG @sweetpepperklopek and @the_great_orbax . ALSO we still have some of the new t-shirts available! Shoot us a message if you want one! And follow the kids science show @orbaxandpepperdoscience on all the socials!

Don't forget our sponsors Hella Hot Hot Sauce! Follow them on IG @hella_hot_hot_sauce and the Hearty Hooligan! You can follow Hamilton's best restaurant for vegan goodies on IG @theheartyhooligan .

Stay safe out there everyone and don't forget, Daddy don't jam bro.