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Orbax and Pepper Do A Podcast

Apr 27, 2021

This week we reconnect with the one man sideshow, Louie Foxx!

From his Fortress of Seattle-tude, Louie is continuing to churn out his own brand of comedy, magic, bubble-mastery, whip cracking and every other type of performance possible! We talk about shows starting back up, Louie's inability to quit working for even five seconds, and the transition into online shows.

You can follow Louie on IG @louiefoxx or on FB .

If you are looking for us you can find us on IG @sweetpepperklopek and @the_great_orbax . ALSO we still have some of the new t-shirts available! Shoot us a message if you want one! And follow the kids science show @orbaxandpepperdoscience on all the socials!

Don't forget our sponsors Hella Hot Hot Sauce! Follow them on IG @hella_hot_hot_sauce and the Hearty Hooligan! You can follow Hamilton's best restaurant for vegan goodies on IG @theheartyhooligan .

Stay safe out there everyone and don't forget , Daddy don't jam bro.